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Special Edition of Grey Lynn 2030’s community news

End of September 2010
In This Special Issue:

The crazy spring weather is spurring us out of our winter slumber with plenty going on over the next few weeks.

  • voting is now underway in our first Auckland Council election
  • Equinox Spring Fling and Green Screen this weekend
  • AGM of Grey Lynn Farmers Market and Grey Lynn Business Network
  • Auckland premier of the movie Water Whisperer Tangaroa

Auckland Council – Make your vote count

The new Auckland council has been brought to us by Rodney Hide is now well underway. While we see some significant flaws it is up to us all to now make it work for our city. Plenty depends on electing people who are community focussed and will ensure our Local Boards are strong and deliver on our  local issues.

Steering Committee member Pippa Coom has been working hard for Grey Lynn 2030 over the last 18 months. We fully endorse Pippa and would love to see her elected to the Waitemata Local Board so she can further work on our sustainable vision. Pippa is the first person in NZ to run for a council who is representing the Transition Town movement. Pippa is a candidate with the City Vision team.  Earlier this month, Grey Lynn 2030 held a Meet the Candidates night for the Waitemata and Gulf Ward and Local Board. The candidates all came along  to introduce themselves and their vision to us. Many thanks to John Butters for his skillful chairing of the meeting.

Your voting papers

Your voting papers will have arrived by now. If not please call Election Services on 973 5212
Your ballot must be in the post no later than Oct 6th to be sure your vote counts.

Grey Lynn Farmers Market AGM

Date: 29th of September 2010
Where: Garden Room, Grey Lynn Community Centre, 510 Richmond Rd.
Time: 7.30PM

You are invited along for music, drinks and delicious nibbles kindly provided by Ripe Deli . Have a yarn with other locals before the meeting kicks off to elect the Farmers Market’s new Management Committee.

(NB no market this weekend. Next Market day Sunday 3rd October)

Wilton Street Community Garden

On a wild westerly day,  Auckland Council Mayoral Candidate, Len Brown visited locals at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market. He then popped over to the Wilton St Community Garden to join the gardeners for a cup of tea. We were thrilled to be able to seat Len on our new garden furniture that was purchased from one of the final grants made by the Western Bays Community Board.

Vital Links – ethical gifts

We are impressed with the young guys behind Vital Link. They have asked us to share what they are up to. Here is their story:

The world, as it stands, needs to be changed. With environmental issues, extreme poverty for billions of people and no real action from our leaders, we as citizens of the world need to make a choice. That choice is to be sustainable, to be ethical and to make decisions using our hard-earned dollars. Remember, you have the power, the ability, to make a difference. But how can you do that?

Vital Link is a company, founded by three university students, to give people the tools to make the choices that count. Justin Scott, Sam Dalton and Medha Ghatikesh started Vital Link because they wanted to make a difference, but they realise to do that they need the world to take part. They want to promote the attitude of giving and sharing with a particular focus on sustainability and ethics.

They have taken the first step towards their goal, and have launched an application on Facebook called Vital Gifts. Vital Gifts is a tool for you to send real, sustainable, ethical gifts to your friends using Facebook. The best thing about it, is that you can share that gift with everyone. As soon as you send Joe Bloggs a gift, you can post a message on your wall, tweet, or start a conversation about that gift. What a great way to promote sustainability, by getting people to talk about your choice.

Vital Gifts will be available in NZ and Australia from 27th September. But if you want to be one of the first to try it out, register at http://vitallinkapp.com/ and show your support for the company that helps you make a difference on facebook, twitter or in person.